"Old Mountain Remedies" / How to Develop an Effective Lifestyle Plan (DVD) - #3024
"Old Mountain Remedies" / How to Develop an Effective Lifestyle Plan (DVD) - #3024
Millions of people in the United States alone are sick with various diseases. Treating illnesses is expensive. In fact, the healthcare industry is one of the most lucrative - it costs billions and billions of dollars to manage. What are two of the top two root causes of disease? We will learn about the dangers of appetite and sedentariness. The treatment prescription is simple enough: get up and change how you live your life. However, this isn’t as simple or easy for everyone. For many people they don’t know where to start!
Join Walt Cross as we create a lifestyle plan that works for every individual as lifestyle plans can be modified for each person. We will settle on a mission or goal for our health, assess our health and lifestyle history, potential causes for sickness, dietary issues using a health diary, plan for improvement with a support partner, implement the plan using detoxification methods, exercise options, hydration, raw foods, and more, and finally evaluate progress and outcomes with necessary adjustments for continued progression. With these important building blocks we can create a custom lifestyle plan that works for everyone!
Time: 1 hour & 43 minutes